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ESL EFL ELL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING VOCABULARY Days of the Week, Months & Seasons of the Year I create lots of reference resources for my students focusing on high-frequency English Language vocabulary. I’ve found that they’re a really successful learning support resource for learners of all ages, and at all stages of learning, and they’re really popular with my students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference. They also work well laminated for small-group work in class. I designed this specifically for my young and/or beginner learners of English, with a large font - this is because in my experience students benefit from a very clear outline of new language and vocabulary, avoiding lots of text on a single page - even my older students who are completely new to English prefer this. There are two backgrounds to choose from - UK flag, which I tend to use for vocab display, or black wave. I like the visual aspect of a background for language learners, who do have a lot of vocab to work through and learn - the background definitely makes lists more visually appealing for learners. The product is non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully - the product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS!


ESL EFL ELL ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-31 I like to give my beginner language learners a series of reference resources - they’re really popular with students, particularly for refreshing and revising vocab. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. I designed this specifically for my young and/or beginner learners of English, it’s suitable for a range of ages and learning stages. Numbers definitely provide lots of opportunities for cross-curricular learning in class time, particularly with mental math games, which really helps beginner English learners get to grips with the vocab. There are two backgrounds to choose from - UK flag, which I tend to use for classroom display, and black wave - the background makes the list a little more visually appealing, which can be really important in terms of motivation for language learners, who have a lot of vocab to learn. There are two non-editable files in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 for all English language learners Create an instant reference resource for students focusing on high-frequency beginner English vocabulary. I encourage my beginner English students to build up a comprehensive vocabulary bank that they can reference easily whenever they need it. I also use these kinds of vocabulary lists for for quick vocabulary quizzes, spelling competitions and so on. I’ve put the numbers across two pages, because the size of the font is really important for all learners, but especially for beginner language learners, as they begin to familiarize themselves with words and spelling systems in a new language. I have also uploaded a number reference sheet I give my more experienced English learners - it’s in landscape format, with all the numbers on a single sheet, so the font size is smaller - students who’ve been learning English for a while are comfortable with quite a lot of text on a single page. Have a look at it here: ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 LIST FREEBIE #2 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/esl-english-numbers-0-100-list-2-12506748 Have a browse in my store for more free English vocabulary lists, and a wide range of other English language teaching and learning resources, with resource boxes, special offer bundles and lots of freebies. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN NUMBERS 0-31 BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-31 I HAVE, WHO HAS? The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply - please read them carefully. English Numbers 0-31 I have, Who has? This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practicing, reinforcing & refreshing how to count from 0 - 31 in English. The game has a***multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading***, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. The aim of the game is to create an English number chain as quickly as possible, starting with the first card zero, and ending with the final card, thirty-one. The game works just as well if the number sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. I created the game for my young beginner learners, but I’ve also played the game with my adult learners, who really enjoy it too - the monster theme is popular with everyone! The design is four cards per page, which allows for a large font - this is really important for beginner language learners who are starting to familiarize themselves with the written word. Try to print in color if you can - it adds to the visual appeal of the game, which is a real motivator for learning. Download, print out, laminate, cut out & shuffle the cards. I’d definitely recommend you laminate the cards, despite the extra prep and expense. They’re far more learner-friendly, and they will last for absolutely years. Distribute the cards, one or two per student, depending on how many students you have in your group. I often play too - students really do enjoy it when I join in, and they seem to work that little bit harder on their concentration and pronunciation. Students walk around the room, talking to each other in their best English accent, sharing the information on their cards, until they have arranged the numbers in the correct order. The game works best played against a timer, regularly over a longer-term series of lessons - can students beat beat their own time record? I always do some high-speed counting warm-up activities, forwards & backwards, to get everyone ready to play! Have a browse in my store for more English resources, including English dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAME!


ESL EFL BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 for all English language learners Create an instant reference resource for students focusing on high-frequency beginner English vocabulary. I encourage my beginner English students to build up a comprehensive vocabulary bank that they can reference easily whenever they need it. I also use these kinds of vocabulary lists for for quick vocabulary quizzes, spelling competitions and so on. The numbers are written across single page in landscape format - I use this for more experienced English learners, who are a little more comfortable with reading in English - the font is fairly small. Have a look at this reference list, which is across two pages in portrait format, allowing for a larger font, which is more accessible for beginning learners: ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 LIST FREEBIE #1 [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/esl-english-numbers-0-100-list-1-12506730](http://) Have a browse in my store for more free English vocabulary lists, and a wide range of other English language teaching and learning resources, with resource boxes, special offer bundles and lots of freebies. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL ENGLISH VERBS LIST reference resource for students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a collection of 100 high-frequency and common English verbs that students generally need in the advanced beginning to intermediate stages of their English Language learning programmes. It includes regular and irregular verbs, with some modals. They are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs - at that point we can move swiftly on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning the verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which I tend to use as part of a grammar display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more English vocabulary lists, and a wide range of other English language teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too! This resource is non-editable in a zipped format and is offered freely, but please read the Terms of Use carefully, as it is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL TELLING TIME ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN TELLING TIME BEGINNER ENGLISH TELLING TIME ANALOG O’CLOCK LIST WITH MATCHING CLOCK FACES The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. I like to give visual vocabulary lists to my young beginner learners of English, as they can generally more easily assimilate new language and vocabulary when they are able to link it in their memory with a visual image, and it’s particularly important to match a clock time with the corresponding clock face when learning how to tell time. Students glue the lists into their English vocabulary books, or file them in their English vocabulary folders with other vocabulary lists, which gives them an accessible and useful English vocabulary reference bank for both class and home learning. For young and / or beginner English learners, I focus initially on a single time set, and this list shows o’clock on a single page. This is because in my experience students benefit from a very clear outline of new language and vocabulary, avoiding lots of text on a single page - even my older students who are completely new to English prefer this. When I’m sure that students are confident with a particular time set, I then move on to additional time sets. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag, which I use for English vocabulary display, or plain. Try this super simple worksheets freebie, focusing on how to tell time in English o’clock: HOW TO TELL THE TIME IN ENGLISH : O’CLOCK WORKSHEETS FREEBIE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-telling-time-o-clock-worksheets-freebie-12925228 Have a browse in my store for more English visual vocabulary lists, and a wide range of other English teaching and learning materials, with English resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH TELLING TIME ANALOG HALF PAST THE HOUR LIST WITH MATCHING CLOCK FACES I like to give visual vocabulary lists to my young beginner learners of English, as they can generally more easily assimilate new language and vocabulary when they are able to link it in their memory with a visual image, and it’s particularly important to match a clock time with the corresponding clock face when learning how to tell time. Students glue the lists into their English vocabulary books, or file them in their English vocabulary folders with other vocabulary lists, which gives them an accessible and useful English vocabulary reference bank for both class and home learning. For young and / or beginner English learners, I focus initially on a single time set, and this list shows half past the hour on a single page. This is because in my experience students benefit from a very clear outline of new language and vocabulary, avoiding lots of text on a single page - even my older students who are completely new to English prefer this. When I’m sure that students are confident with a particular time set, I then move on to additional time sets. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag, which I use for English vocabulary display, or plain. Try this super simple worksheets freebie, focusing on how to tell time in English half past the hour HOW TO TELL THE TIME IN ENGLISH : HALF PAST THE HOUR WORKSHEETS FREEBIE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-telling-time-half-past-worksheets-freebie-12925244 Have a browse in my store for more English visual vocabulary lists, and a wide range of other English teaching and learning materials, with English dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-21 WORD WALL Files are non-editable in a zipped format . The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. Please read the Terms of Use. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. It’s easy to create an instant introduction to numbers 0-21 in English with this set of word wall cards, featuring beginning numbers that I like to share with my young and beginner learners of English. They’re really useful during the introduction phase, and we also use them for developing language skills and awareness in general. We like to do spelling, number guessing and calculation games at regular intervals too for example - the font is definitely big enough for students to see from various locations in the classroom. There are two cards per 8.5 x 11 (A4) page in landscape format. There are two backgrounds to choose from - UK flag, which I often use for my ESL/EFL learners, or black wave. I definitely recommend that you print on card stock and/or laminate for longevity - you’ll be able to use and enjoy your English Language Numbers 0-21 Word Wall for years to come. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ESL EFL ENGLISH WORD SEARCH NUMBERS 0-10 WITH ANSWER KEY Word searches a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word, practicing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This is an English-only sampler word search, focusing on Numbers 0-10. The search offers a really useful learning opportunity - consolidating not only new numbers, but also working on reading, writing, spelling and literacy skills in general. It’s ideal for learners of English as a second or foreign language. Word searches are easily differentiated, with opportunity to increase challenge gradually, and learners have to look very carefully at letters, and how words are constructed to complete the grid. They are able to identify which direction words are located in within the grid by referring to the arrow key. Here, for additional consolidation, they also rewrite each number in the word column. There is an answer grid for the word search, so that learners can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it! For me, answer keys are essential, as they not only provide learners with another opportunity to engage with language, but they also help them develop more independence in their learning. They’re also a great teacher time-saver - a real bonus! The word search is in landscape format, mirroring the common direction of reading and writing from left to right, facilitating learner engagement with the activity. The landscape format is also really useful for learners whose first language is written from right to left. There is a single grid per 8.5 x 11 (A4) sheet - I like to ensure that text is accessible to all learners, and at this stage of their learning, it’s absolutely essential that language looks accessible and manageable. Word searches are really versatile too — I tend to have folders of a range of vocab/theme word searches ready in folders - we can just pick them up and they’re good to go - as starters, refreshers, plenaries or fun-time fillers at any time during the school year, as well as when there’s a particular focus on number spelling. I also sometimes copy all the grids as a workbook, and let learners simply work their way through. The workbook format is great for home learning too. Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language printables, with a wide range of other English Language teaching and learning activities, with special offer bundles, and lots of freebies too! The file is non-editable It is copyright, all rights reserved -it may not be shared, distributed, copied or rewritten in any way - please read the Terms of Use. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


DAZ DAF ADVANCED BEGINNER GERMAN PRESENT TENSE REGULAR VERBS TASK CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-use license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. These task cards focus on conjugating***regular German verbs in the present tense.*** aimed at advanced beginner German into Intermediate German students. The differentiated questions have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in German in general, and certainly in conjugating regular German verbs in the present tense in particular. The questions range in complexity and challenge, and some call upon prior and new knowledge too, helping students make links and build bridges in their learning. There may be some vocabulary that students are not familiar with - these questions give them the opportunity to learn and apply new language too. Other grammatical concepts are addressed in the questions too, such as gender agreement, direct and indirect objects, personal pronouns and word order in German. The set comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards***, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper - laminate if possible - the cards are more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years = answer key & recording sheet: we use the recording sheet for more formal assessment purposes; students generally use their class workbooks to note responses, saving both prep time and expense Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM KONJUGIEREN!


GERMAN IRREGULAR VERBS KS3 GERMAN GRAMMAR KS4 GERMAN GRAMMAR GCSE GERMAN GRAMMAR GERMAN PRESENT TENSE IRREGULAR VERBS CHALLENGE CARDS The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-use license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. These challenge cards focus on conjugating***irregular German verbs in the present tense.*** They are aimed at upper KS3 German and KS4 German students. The differentiated questions have a multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in German in general, and certainly in conjugating irregular German verbs in the present tense in particular. The questions range in complexity and challenge, and some call upon prior and new knowledge too, helping students make links and build bridges in their learning. There may be some vocabulary that students are not familiar with - these questions give them the opportunity to learn and apply new language too. Other grammatical concepts are addressed in the questions too, such as gender agreement, direct and indirect objects, personal pronouns and word order in German. The set comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards*, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper, laminate if possible, as they’re more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years = answer key & answer recording sheet: we use the recording sheet for more formal assessment purposes; students generally use their class workbooks to note responses, saving both prep time and expense Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM KONJUGIEREN!


2 Resources
INTERMEDIATE GERMAN ELEMENTARY GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN THIS BUNDLE IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED AND IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. PLEASE CHECK BACK SOON. Files are non-editable in zipped formats. The bundle is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom, in whole or in part, in any way. The license for purchase is a single-use license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.